Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dual Boston blog - Hookey Bitter

Well, today I am in Boston with Dave, and we are both reviewing a beer we are enjoying a Hookey Bitter

After first tasting, I think Dave and I came to the conclusion that this is an average tasting beer. Nothing is truly striking about the flavor (besides a slight butterscotch/metallic flavor). It is lightly colored and has very little head, although the guy at the store told us that this was a very mildly flavored ale. Dave has pointed out the pleasant aroma of this beer, but also mentions that the flavor does not live up to it. It is not a bad beer, but certainly cannot justify the price that we paid for it...All in all, I think I can file this under "good beer" and feel happy that I tried it and will not feel bad about not ever having it again...

Flavor: Mild bitter ale
Color: Light amber/gold
Alcohol Content: 3.6% (per volume)
Average Price: $5.99 (per bottle)

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