Sunday, April 4, 2010

My grandma and your grandma - Abita Jockamo IPA

Seems like my blog has been very "IPA" centric over the past few weeks...I am almost through with my current 6, so I will be certain to mix things up with the next 6. If you feel like there are any you would like me to test out, let me know (although I have some ideas that I think might be entertaining/funny).

Up today for tasting is the Abita Jockamo IPA:

Abita Brewing Co. is a new brewery to me, so I decided to do a little research into what they were all about before I sampled this beer. The brewery is located in Abita Springs, Louisiana and they actually make quite a few beers which I have heard of (the most famous I suppose would be the Purple Haze). If you get a chance, check out their is one of the nicer ones I have seen from a brewery:

The beer is a very pale amber color, which seems unique among many of the other IPAs I have tried...a nice head that, while decreases in size, has yet to fully disappear entirely (which I am not certain has anything to do with the quality of the beer, but I always find it desireable to have a few bubbles in my beer). The taste is smooth and mildly hoppy...a nice compliment to the look of the beer. Within writing this last paragraph, I have nearly completed my beer and cannot find anything to complain about it. A very tasty beer!

Here is some food pairing (directly from their website): "The spicy aroma of the hops contrasts nicely with the pleasant sweetness of the malts. Jockamo has a flavor that entices and excites the palate. The intense hop character makes it among the perfect choice to team up with many spicy dishes. Cheddar and strong farmer cheeses stand up well to Jockamo’s hoppy character. Cajun food is a natural pairing, as is Thai, or Mexican cuisine."

All in all, I would not only call this a wonderful IPA, but a great beer overall as well. The unassuming flavor is a nice introduction to IPAs for those who are unfamiliar, but will also please those (like myself) who are looking to test the ranges of beer from top to bottom. Beeritarian approved!

Flavor: Smooth and mellow hoppiness...not overpowering, but still noticeable
Color: Light amber/slightly reddish
Alcohol Content: 6.5% (by volume)
Average Price: $8.99 (6 pack)

Also, as a little aside, I wanted to let everyone know about my intentions on trying to brew and (eventually) sell my own beer. Dave and I have discussed this, and given our love of beer, this seems a logical conclusion. So, if you have any advice, words of encouragement, or ideas, please let me know!

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