Saturday, July 31, 2010

Never had a communist beer - Cigar City Cubano Espresso

Dave and Sara are in town to visit for the weekend, and more of a reason do I need to write a couple of updates! Dave and Sara toured the Cigar City Brewery in Tampa after Dave's completion of the Bar exam. They decided it would be fun to grab a growler and have a group we are going to try the Cigar City Cubano Espresso.

The first thing that we noticed about this beer is the rich coffee aroma...Sara and I agreed that the beer smells more like an iced coffee that a stout beer. The pour was soft and resulted in little head (although, Dave was pouring the beer in a manner that preserved every drop of beer from the growler). The beer is dark in color, although not so much that you cannot see the slight changes in the color when shown in light. The flavor, much like the aroma, is very coffee heavy...which is not a negative attribute, but certainly something that might surprise those that were not anticipating it. The only probably with some much coffee flavor is that you can not really admire the other elements of the tends to overpower the hops and malts.

All in all, this is a very tasty beer, but it could use some tweaking to improve upon the overall flavor varieties. This is something I would have again, but something that I think I would actively seek out to purchase for stocking at my house.

Flavor: Coffee...enough said
Color: Dark and reddish brown
Alcohol Content: 5.5% (by volume)
Average Price: $7.00 (per 32 oz. growler)