Friday, February 19, 2010


Well, it has certainly been too long since my last post...apparently, and despite my thoughts on the matter, a throat ulcer should not be treated with alcohol.

Well, I decided to jump back into it with a bang...OBP2 (Truly, it is OBP squared, but I don't know how to get the little '2' next to the P).

This beer is probably quite the uses the analogy on the bottle of a cup of coffee: half the water = double the flavor. Well, in the case of beer, not only is flavor doubled, but alcohol content as well. The deep reddish beer is touting 11% alcohol by volume...First taste impression: The first thing I noticed is this beer's sweetness. Considering the alcohol content, I figured this would be much stonger in flavor (closer to and IPA then perhaps a lager). The sweetness is followed by a subtle spiciness which compliments well with the sweet.

This is a locally brewed beer, which I alway enjoy sampling...makes me feel like I am giving back to my community in a strange way. Honey based beers have been around for thousands of years and because of this, have a very interesting history:

-Honey beers were once considered an aphrodisiac
-Teuton brides traditionally drank honey beers for a month after they were wed. The honey and moon cycles during the month were the basis for the term "honeymoon".
-Honey is one of the main ingredients in one of the oldest forms of beer: mead.

I am very much enjoying this beer, but as I mentioned to Jess, I am glad I only have the one to drink. This beer is so sweet and flavorful that I could imagine myself drink 3-4 in a short period of time and getting much too inebriated much too quickly. A very good beer that I would recommend (with caution) to pretty much anyone. Sweet beers are paired nicely with;

-Grilled sausages (could even use one to boil the brats first...mmmmm)
-Chocolate cookies made fresh by your significant other (taking a guess here, but I am sure it will work out nicely)
-Spicier foods

Flavor: Vert sweet with a mild spicy after thought
Color: Deep amber/reddish color
Alcohol content: 11% by volume (be careful, because these go down easily!)
Average price: $2.79 (bottle)

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of mead, there are a few places in Boston with extensive mead lists. We should try one out so you can add it to your site, I've never had one before.
