Monday, March 8, 2010

Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout XII

Seems like it has been too long since I have been able to jump on an make a decent post! The Boston trip forced me to reconcile with my liver over the years I reduced from its life, but I am back with a very dark and strong beer: Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout XII.

This is the 12 anniversary of the brewing of this beer, so North Coast Brewing (based out of Fort Bragg, CA) decided to brew this special version of their traditional Imperial Stout. What makes this beer unique (besides the fact that the brewer deems it so) is the fact that this beer is 11.2% alcohol by volume! Typically, most stouts I have ever had are about 1/2 this ABV, so I was very eager to see how this one danced on my palate...

Upon first glance, this beer looked much like a Guinness in its darkness and pronounced head (although slightly less thick (have fun with that one Dave)). The first sip took me a little by surprise...I expected a taste similar to Guinness, but this beer was exceptionally strong (almost overpowering). After checking out the North Coast website, I found that the flavor comes from the aging process done in old whiskey barrels. The beer was thick on the tongue, but did not linger there long, which was a nice feature.

Overall, I liked this beer, but I could probably only have one without having to switch to something a little less strong (in both flavor and alcohol content). This is a beer best served with food; anything sweet or savory (perhaps a chocolate covered steak?). I would recommend this beer to anyone who thinks that they can handle it's strong taste and ABV percentage. All in all, a very solid and memorable beer!

Flavor: Very strong stout flavor...chocolate hints with a heavy muskiness
Color: Dark, very dark...practically black
Alcohol Content: 11.2% (per volume)
Average Price: $4 at the bar I bought it at (per fancy glass).

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